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Chimps, for instance, will protest unfair treatment of others, refusing to accept a treat they have rightfully earned if another chimp doing the same work fails to get the same reward. 2009 11 24 Amanda Jeffery Planting the seedsThe Early Childhood Development Centre is helping children express their feelings at a younger age thanks to a program called Seeds of Empathy. Like Roots of Empathy, a program already offered in several schools in the Drayton Valley area, Seeds of Empathy brings babies into the classroom to interact with the children. Through this interaction the children learn how to empathize with others. A noble idea, but is it possible?Whether she is speaking on a panel with the Dali Lama or to students at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Gordon's theme is the same: the world will be a better place if children grow up understanding the other's perspective. There will be no more genocides, no more wars, no more racism or violence, she declares. She has built what she believes is a road map to achieve a kinder, gentler humanity. But it wasn't until she came up with her Roots of Empathy program, an offshoot of her parenting and literacy work, that she began to see how a simple idea could transform the world. Her book, Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child by Child, has just been published in the United States, following publication here four years ago. It was a Canadian bestseller, winning praise from the likes of Fraser Mustard and Michael Fullan of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
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The results of the study, led by Assistant Scientist Lisa Flook, were recently published in the journal Mind, Brain and Education. Mindfulness, a notion that stems from centuries old meditative traditions and is now taught in a secular way, is a technique to heighten attention, empathy and other pro social emotions through an awareness of thoughts, external stimuli, or bodily sensations such as breath. While teachers play a critical role in nurturing children's well being, progress in addressing teacher stress has been elusive. Stress and burnout among teachers is a major concern for school districts nationwide, affecting the quality of education and incurring increased costs in recruiting and sustaining teachers. For the study, a group of 18 teachers was recruited to take part in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction MBSR course, a well established and well studied method of mindfulness training. The project team adapted the MBSR training to fit the particular needs and time demands of elementary school teachers. It was among the first efforts to train teachers, in addition to students, in mindfulness techniques and to examine the effects of this training in the classroom. "We wanted to offer training to teachers in a format that would be engaging and address the concerns that were specifically relevant to their role as teachers," says Flook, who has advanced degrees in education and psychology and whose primary interest is in exploring strategies to reduce stress and promote well being in children and adolescents. The teachers who received the training were randomly assigned and asked to practice a guided meditation at home for at least 15 minutes per day. They also learned to use specific strategies for preventing and dealing with stressors in the classroom, such as "dropping in," a term to describe the process of bringing attention to the sensations of breath and other physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions for brief periods of time. The training also included caring practices to bring kind awareness to their experiences, especially those that are challenging.
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2012. Communicationwill be developed by Allen County Public Health outlining the followingactions to be taken by schools when someone is diagnosed with COVID 19. no information will be released by schools until contacted by AllenCounty Public Health. To be as transparent as possible,permissible information will be shared with parents and staff, while atthe same time, maintaining required confidentiality, and counteringpotential stigma and discrimination. The communication willexplain/define what is considered a close contact within 6 feet for atleast 15 minutes to someone with COVID 19 that will result inquarantine. Any student or employee who is diagnosed withCOVID 19 may not return until released by Allen County Public Health. The duration of the isolation for anyone sent home and/or diagnosed withCOVID 19 will be based on the current CDC guidelines. As of June 2020,this includes absence of fever under 100 degrees Fahrenheit withoutthe use of medication for 72 hours three full days AND improvement ofall other symptoms for 72 hours AND at least ten days have passed sincesymptoms started. If the student or employee is positive with COVID 19but has no symptoms, they will stay at home in isolation until after 10days have passed since their positive test. 14 day quarantinewill be required for anyone who is determined to have close contact tosomeone who has COVID 19. Close contact is to be determined by AllenCounty Public Health.
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